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Ohio: Petition Secures Vote to Remove Traffic Cameras
East Cleveland, Ohio voters will have the chance to reject speed cameras and red light cameras in a ballot referendum.

BBCI Activist
Residents of East Cleveland, Ohio will have the opportunity to reject speed cameras and red light cameras in a ballot referendum next year. The local community activist group known as Black on Black Crime led the effort to gain the necessary signatures.

"These pesky speed light cameras have wreaked havoc on East Cleveland residents and others who drive through East Cleveland," the group's newsletter explained. "Residents are fed up with being hijacked by these cameras, the company the operates them and their city officials."

Once certified by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, the city council must vote to place the referendum on an upcoming ballot, such as the the March 4 presidential primary. Prospects for the cameras are grim if the results of a similar referendum in Steubenville are any indication. Last November, three out of every four voters chose to kick out the devices that had issued $600,000 in citations.

Black on Black Crime has held several rallies protesting cameras at city hall and has received significant community support for their petition drive which began in August. Locals frequently complain about placement of the devices.

"Cameras are being put around curves where there is a sudden change in speed limits, or at the bottom of hills where drivers are braking to slow down from hill speed," petitioners explained.

Article Excerpt:
Full text of the petition:

The voters of East Cleveland hereby rescind, in its entirety, Ordinance No. 07-06, entitled "An Ordinance to Impose Civil Penalties for Automated Red Light System Violations; and Declaring an Emergency," as passed on February 8, 2006, and enacted on February 21, 2006.

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