New Zealand Introduces Anonymous Red Light Accusation HotlineNew Zealand police hotline sends red light running warning letters based on anonymous tips.

A New Zealand resident who wants a red light running warning citation sent to a stranger or an enemy only needs to call a toll-free phone number. On Tuesday the Manukau City Council unveiled its program that allows anyone to contact the police and accuse someone of an intersection traffic violation.
"We're asking the community to join the council in sending a message to these drivers that it's not on," Manukau City Council member David Collings said. "If people see drivers running red lights they should dial 0800 STOP 4 RED."
Those who call or use the online form should first know the license plate number as well as the color and make of the vehicle owned by the person they wish to accuse. They should also be prepared with an intersection location, date and time for the alleged incident. Recipients of a visit from the police or a warning letter will not be allowed to confront their accuser as police insist such information "will be kept strictly confidential."
In addition to the hotline, Manukau Police have set up lucrative operations where a half-dozen officers wait to issue NZ$150 tickets to drivers at intersections. The council hopes before the end of the year to increase this revenue further by installing automated ticketing machines.