2016 Year In ReviewThe ten most popular stories on TheNewspaper.com for the year 2016.

The following were the ten most viewed stories on TheNewspaper.com during 2016.
- Illinois: Cops Lose Case After Hiding Video Evidence
The failure of police to produce all video evidence resulted in a DUI case being thrown out in Illinois.- Oregon Cop Fined $181,170 For Kicking Motorcyclist
A jury found an Oregon police captain liable for $181,170 in damages for delivering a karate kick to a motorcyclist during a traffic stop.- Texas Judge Declares Red Light Camera Program Illegal
A judge ruled that the red light camera program in Richardson, Texas violated state law.- EPA Rule To Ban Car Modification
The EPA and NHTSA completed work on a regulation banning sale of go-fast engine parts for automobiles.- Red Light Camera Company Beats Patent Troll
A federal judge sided with American Traffic Solutions in denying the claim of a notorious patent troll.- Virginia: Group Seeks Sanctions Against Unauthorized Speed Camera Use
The National Motorists Association filed a complaint against an insurance industry group for unlawful deployment of speed cameras on Virginia highways.- Judge Adds $2 Million Fine To Corrupt Camera Executive Sentence
A federal judge doubled the prison time for a Redflex executive found guilty of red light camera corruption in Chicago, Illinois.- Air Force Officer Challenges Suspicionless Roadblocks
A combat veteran asked the US Supreme Court to stop arbitrary detention of motorists at immigration roadblocks.- Florida Appellate Panel Considers Red Light Camera Case
Legal battle sought to stop red light camera ticketing in Orange County, Florida.- Credit Agencies Order Cities To Stop Reporting Unpaid Tickets
Local governments lose a key tool used to force motorists to pay automated ticketing fines.