Vigilantes Burned $128 Million In French Speed Camera ProfitAttacks on speed cameras in France slashed speed camera profit by $128 million in 2021.

By Richard Diamond/Staff Reports
Attacks on automated ticketing machines in France continued to slow last week as activists focused on protesting the government "health pass" requirements imposed in response to the Covid-19 virus scare. Nonetheless, the diminished attacks are still having an impact. In a report to the National Assembly, the French government announced it expected to collect 714 million euros (US $826 million) from roadside speed cameras -- a figure that does not include mobile speed cameras and other automated ticketing devices. This is 111 million euros (US $128 million) less than was collected in 2017. Attacks on speed cameras have prevented the administration of President Emmanuel Macron from generating over a billion euros from the devices, as expected. Between January 2017 and January 2021, some 24,160 speed cameras had been blinded with spraypaint or were otherwise lightly damaged. Another 1948 suffered severe damage and 1663 were completely destroyed.
A handful of cameras were disabled last week. In Saint-Vulbas, vigilantes on Friday used old tires to set fire to the speed camera on the RD20, destroying the device completely. This is the third time a camera in the area has been torched this year. On Thursday, flames also consumed the automated ticketing machine on the RD1006 in Saint-Beron. Another camera along the same road in Saint-Thibaut-de-Couz was damaged by fire that night. In Chateaudun, vigilantes toppled the radar speed sign that showed drivers their speed on Avenue du General de Gaulle. The device did not issue citations.