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France, Italy: Speed Camera Destruction
Vigilantes took out a half dozen speed cameras in France and Italy last week.

Tired speed cameraBy Richard Diamond/Staff Reports

Vigilantes in La Ferte-Mace, France, on Friday torched the speed camera on the RD908. In Saint-Marcellin-en-Forez, members of the farming group JA42 buried the speed camera on the RD498 under a massive pile of used tires last week. In Tilloloy, the speed camera on the RD1017 was set on fire on Saturday, December 14.

In Ariano nel Polesine, Italy, the pole-mounted speed camera on Strada Romea was cut down on Tuesday. The attack is the first of its kind since police arrested a man accused of being the anti-photo radar vigilante Fleximan. On Sunday, December 15, angle grinders slashed the speed cameras in Bertiolo, in Medio Friuli.