California: Campus Cops to Issue 8 MPH Speeding TicketsCalifornia State University at Fullerton are investing $3000 in radar guns to help plug a budget shortfall.

Campus police for the California State University at Fullerton have acquired a pair of radar speed guns, and they're ready to use them to enforce an unusual 8 MPH speed limit that applies to a parking garage. JP Almeda, a graduate student, became one of the first recipients of a warning for driving 10 MPH in the new speed zone. He complained that there is no realistic way to find "8 MPH" on his speedometer.
"Do you really think that it is perfectly safe to drive in a crowded parking structure while staring at the empty space between the break in the red and the dot [on the speedometer] in order to ensure that you are legally doing the speed limit?" Almeda asked. "Common sense, of course, says no."
For the past five years, the campus which serves 32,000 students has faced a budget crisis. CSUF has been looking for ways "to uphold the university's mission, in the face of shrinking revenues," including fee increases and "other" revenue raising options, which have already raised $1.5 million.
In the next few weeks, fourteen campus police officers expect to use the radar guns to issue tickets not only on campus, but on surrounding neighborhood streets. The force has invested more than $3000 on the radar units, even though the entire police force issued at total of only fifteen speeding citations last year.