Nevada Bans HOA Speeding TicketsThe Nevada state legislature votes to ban homeowners associations (HOA) from issuing speeding tickets and placing restrictions on motorcyclists.

The Nevada legislature on Thursday sent a bill to Governor Jim Gibbons (R) that would, if signed, prohibit homeowners' associations from discriminating against motorcyclists and issuing speeding tickets to motorists. State Representative Francis Allen (R-Clark County) introduced the bill to rein in the powers of associations in dozens of areas which was adopted by a 42-0 vote in the Assembly and a 19-2 Senate vote.
Of interest to motorcyclists is a provision nullifying restrictions on riding a properly licensed motorcycle in a community. The move is designed to prevent homeowners' boards from banning motorcycles on aesthetic or other grounds.
Allen's measure also bans associations from using radar guns or any "other device designed to gauge the speed of a vehicle" for the purpose of issuing fines. The provision, in effect, stops associations from issuing speeding tickets within a community. In 2005, a Texas state legislator proposed a bill that would have given a green light to community speeding tickets. The proposal failed.
The full text of Allen's legislation is available in a 145k PDF file at the source link below.